Latest Publications
The Way of Q - Essentials of the Quantavolution Paradigm

The Burning of Troy

by Alfred de Grazia
The Burning of Troy * The Founding of Rome * Micah's Ark * The Catastrophic Finale of the Middle Bronze Age * Updating Schaeffer's Destruction Inventory * Nine Spheres of Venusian Effects * The Obliteration of Human Signs * Ancient Astronauts * Indians of Illinois * Ice Cores of Greenland * A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine * The Latecoming Olduvai Gorge * Athens Quakes * Comptinology and Tohu-Bohu * Making Moonshine with Hard Science * Holy Dreamtime in Wonguri Land * The 'Unconscious' as a Literary Revolt against Science * O.K.Origins * Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings * Marx, Engels and Darwin * Religion and Education * The utlook of Scientists * Eulogies to Three Quantavolutionists: Livio C. Stecchini, Ralph Juergens, Immanuel Velikovsky * and more...
ISBN: 978-1-60377-099-6
Paperback book: 302 pages + FREE kindle e-book: US $ 11,99
Kindle e-book alone: US$ 1.99
The Disastrous Love-Affair of Moon & Mars

by Alfred de Grazia
Can a dance and poem be a piece of astronomical history, tightly, not vaguely, related? . We discern behind a famous Homeric scenario about the misconduct of the gods the shadow of a second scenario of astronomical catastrophe...
Soft cover - 248 pages + Free Kindle book: US$11.95
Kindle e-book alone: US$ 1.99
Solaria Binaria,

by Alfred de Grazia & Earl. R. Milton
New edition - Soft cover: 288 pages + Free Kindle book: US$15.99
Kindle e-book alone: US$1.99
Chaos and Creation

by Alfred de Grazia
Softcover; 330 pages + Free Kindle book:US$20.09
Kindle e-book alone: US$4.99
Blossom on the run - a Han dynasty adventure

by Michael Nylan and Robert J. Litz
One morning in the China of the Han dynasty (206 BC - 220 AD), a girl of eleven is waking up...
Four Plays about History

by Robert J. Litz
"No art ever came out of not risking your neck," Eudora Welty said. "Mobile Hymn" and "Great Divide" are two magnificent, breakneck plays by Bob Litz about America's addiction to wide open spaces, the road leading to them, and beyond (read more)...

40 Stases & Theses: What Is To Be Done With Our World?

The Meteorite Report

America's History Retold (Volume One), by Alfred de Grazia

America's History Retold (Volume Two) by Alfred de Grazia

America's History Retold (Volume Three) by Alfred de Grazia
A Taste of War - Soldiering in World War II, by Alfred de Grazia

The Iron Age of Mars, by Alfred de Grazia
The Shattering of the Great Planets Hesperus and Phaethon & the Ensuing Floods & Destructions on Earth..., by Johann Gottlieb Radlof

The 2012 Conference of Quantavolution - Naxos, Greece
The 2011 Conference of Quantavolution - Athens
The Living-Archive Conference 2011 in Villaines-la-Gonais
The 2010 Conference on Quantanvolution - Villaines-la-Gonais
The 2009 Conference on Quantavolution - Kandersteg
The 2008 Paris Conference on Quantavolution
The 2007 Conference on Quantavolution - Kandersteg
Books by Alfred de Grazia