The Burning of Troy
by Alfred de Grazia

The Burning of Troy * The Founding of Rome * Micah's Ark * The Catastrophic Finale of the Middle Bronze Age * Updating Schaeffer's Destruction Inventory * Nine Spheres of Venusian Effects * The Obliteration of Human Signs * Ancient Astronauts * Indians of Illinois * Ice Cores of Greenland * A Failed Excursion to the Caves of Aquitaine * The Latecoming Olduvai Gorge * Athens Quakes * Comptinology and Tohu-Bohu * Making Moonshine with Hard Science * Holy Dreamtime in Wonguri Land * The 'Unconscious' as a Literary Revolt against Science * O.K.Origins * Jupiter's Bands and Saturn's Rings * Marw, Engels and Darwin * Religion and Education * The utlook of Scientists * Eulogies to Three Quantavolutionists: Livio C. Stecchini, Ralph Juergens, Immanuel Velikovsky * and more...
ISBN: 978-1-60377-099-6
Paperback book: 302 pages + FREE kindle e-book: US $ 11,99
Kindle e-book: US$ 1.99
The Founding of Rome (chapter three)
Books by Alfred de Grazia